Friday, January 30, 2009

Board Games

I have mad Scrabble skillz, but I'm currently in a bit of a slump. I've lost repeatedly to n.o.c., though I will note that one loss was by mere points despite n.o.c.'s two (TWO!) seven-letter plays. Last night we had some friends over, and I didn't just not win - I lost the most. A subtle, but crucial distinction.

Hoping to recover from my pummeling, I suggested that we move on to Sniglets, which is good fun and replete with relics from a simpler time (por ejemplo: give a word for the phenomenon of becoming entangled in a phone cord during a lengthy conversation).

A few of our better rounds.

We were feeling very Belgian last night, and I am not my cleverist post-Chimays. Thankfully, neither are my opponents. I triumphed.

This morning, however, I was reminded of why fairly small people should drink fairly small amounts of fairly strong brews - particularly if they have to wake at 6am. Hence breakfast.

And despite this morning's general harrumph in the direction of all things everywhere, the sunrise was quite lovely.