Friday, September 18, 2009

And then...

I was informed that some toothless wonder has been running wild with my credit card in every Best Buy and Rite Aid in Bumblef*ck, GA.  Thankfully, the small-town South is light on consumer opportunities. 

So I went to bed at 8:45.  Game over. 


megan said...

So sorry! Wishing him a swift kick to the nutsack for you. Someone once stole my credit card number to buy a diamond ring from JCPenny. I snottily told AmEx "I have NEVER bought anything from JCPenny, and I really can't imagine doing so in the foreseeable future." Of course, after the ring was purchased in my name I continued to get the catalogs for years. Sigh.

17 beats. said...

the same thing happened to me! except they lived it up at a bunch of OTBs and Wallgreens.