Monday, March 9, 2009


When you have a day that's simultaneously excellent and sh*tty, I recommend giving a big suckaroo to the great reducing and having some unscheduled beers. Preferably Belgian-styled, with 8% alcohol or greater. You know, more bang and fewer calories for your buck.

Add a few prematurely springy bunches of ranunculus.

And bring it all home with a dark'n'stormy or two.

And that, my friends, is how an excellent sh*tty day gets motherf*ckin' schooled.


P said...

You are teachin' fools all the rools, dawg. Good work beating that shitty day into submission.

DC said...

I hope the lovely outweighs the other...can't wait to hear...all will be well, love Pollyanna....

keri said...

Thanks, P. For some reason, I can't post a comment on typepad, but you just don't hear enough talk about achieving eudaimonia these days. Maybe you'll start the trend. Here's to a censorship-free year.

ellie bee said...

I think I need to take to the drink...